Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Motivational Quotes...for fat people

Why are there all these motivational/inspirational quotes directed at fat people? Like I get it, I need to lose a few pounds. I have a doctor that can tell me these things. It doesn't mean I am depressed it means I like food more than you or that I don' have a metabolism of a 15 year old. Maybe you are the depressed one twig. I am sick of the dialogue that  fat people don't love themselves or they would be skinny. Or fat people are depressed because they are fat. What does that even mean? So skinny people are happy? That's weird because last time I checked there were plenty of skinny depressed people.

If you talked to my wife she would tell you I am a very confident person, probably too confident. One quote I read said something like, you have to learn to love the inside if you want to love yourself enough to change the outside. What the? Does that mean a skinny girl that gets "enhancements" doesn't love herself or that when I shave my back and trim my nose hair I don't love myself. Well pretty sure I shaved my back when I was skinny and when I was fat. I wanted to see my muscles. Now that I am fat I just do it because I don't like the hair. I don't want long hair poking out my nose either. That's nasty, same reason why a girl should wax or bleach her mustache. It's just not appealing. Shouldn't the quotes just say you should love yourself no matter what? It doesn't need to be directed at fat people. Don't pick on fat people we get bullied enough.

The Champ doesn't do weight loss quotes, he just loses weight. If you want to be a champ you don't need some skinny sissy saying made up crap that in reality is just mocking you with his "motivational quotes." Just lose the weight, its unhealthy. My weight loss saying is just that. We don't need a quote that tells us to love ourselves or creates the premonition that we don't. Love yourself no matter what and if you don't learn to. One day I will give you the Champ's way to love yourself.

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